When it comes to your cat, you want to provide them with quality cat treats as well as other healthy cat foods. A good rule of thumb is to never feed your cat more than they can eat in ten minutes or less. If you're feeding a cat that is still growing, don't over-feed them. Overfeeding a growing cat can lead to health problems down the road. Instead of giving your cat treats, consider some other cat food that will meet their nutritional needs.
Treats made with natural herbs like green tea and mint are excellent for cats with health issues. Chewy and crunchy cat treats can have two calories per treat, but they are still much healthier than a dry diet. Treats that are made with whole grains, vegetables, and protein are much healthier and usually come in smaller packages, which makes it easier to give your cat a snack. Cat chews made with wheat gluten or dried corn are considered a snack and shouldn't be fed to cats with medical issues.
Most cat treats come in four basic categories: meat, vegetables, fruits, and specialty ingredients. All cat treats should contain no more than twenty percent protein. Commercial foods are usually made from mostly cheap meat that is hard to digest and expensive vegetable oils and byproducts. Even if the label says the food is made from a 'premium' ingredient, this doesn't mean it is any better than store-bought brands.
Cat foods that are higher in fat are usually high in calories, even if the label claims otherwise. The reason is because many manufacturers use byproducts as a cheaper alternative to meats. This doesn't mean the calories are any better for your cat. By making the treats healthier, it's probably because it costs less and takes more processing to make them. The result is you get less cat treats with the same number of calories.
There are many different kinds of processed cat treats. Some use ingredients such as corn or wheat gluten. Other manufacturers may use byproducts or other ingredients that are not good for your cat's health. The most important thing to remember is that any treat that contains meat or other protein should contain the minimum recommended daily allowance of twenty percent protein. Anything higher may cause problems. Foods that are high in sugar may also cause dental problems in cats.
Fresh homemade cat treats can be a great way to provide your cat with great tasting food. They are usually made without using preservatives or artificial flavors. They can be made from things that you find in your kitchen or around the house, like carrots, beets, peas, or anything else that is good for you. Homemade treats can be a great way to save money and provide your cat with something tasty and healthy to enjoy for a long time. Plus, they are much better for your cat than a box of commercial treats.
Many veterinarians will recommend that people purchase good quality, dry cat treats that are not prepackaged. This means that you can buy them at a grocery store or online and you know that they will stay fresh for up to a year. Dry foods are generally lower in calories than their prepackaged counterparts and will not cause problems with your pet's weight.
If you want to give your cat a treat and still be certain that he gets enough water, consider buying canned cat treats. The key to choosing a good brand is to read the ingredients and choose one that contains no added sugars or artificial flavors. Look for a can that is also made with no hydrogenated oils or artificial coloring. Many canned cat treats will also have a lower percentage of carbohydrates. If you take care of your cat and feed him high quality, dry cat treats for his entire life, he will be happy and healthy for many years. Please also read about Toyger Cat